Wednesday, September 29, 2004

a wartime consigliere.

In less than 24 hours John Kerry will get his one and only shot at the White House. Yes, I know there are more debates to follow this evening's Coral Gables suarez; but this is pretty much it. Kerry's campaign has been a cacophonous, trebly blob of nervous nothingness since the Democratic convention.

The country is circling the drain and the citizens freely admit this; yet Kerry has not made so much as a dent in Bush's lead. Why is that? Why is it a dunce of a president that people openly admit has screwed up is still winning? Because the Republican party has been in wartime mode for several years. And I'm not talking about a war on terror or a war in Iraq. I'm talking about a war to stamp out the Democratic party; to demonize all things branded with the giant, red "L" of liberalism.

The thugs are running the show and, true to form, most Democrats have allowed the Republicans to pick the songs on the jukebox. The Republican Attack Machine is well-funded, well-organized, and runs deep in the airwaves, in the media, and in the churches. It's a multil-layered army that has been successful.

But they have been morally bankrupt. Problem is, there are no moral victories this year.

It's high time John Kerry steps up and zings a pitch right squarely at the ear of President Seven Minutes.

Which is why the Democratic party needs to wake up and realize that it needs to indoctrinate Michael Moore into its ranks, recruit more like him, and make this a fair fight.

No, I don't really care much for Michael Moore. I think he's erroneous as much as he is provocative. But somebody has to be man enough to fight thuggery on its own level. The Democrats are still fighting like stodgy redcoats while the GOP is hiding behind trees.

Then along comes Michael Moore and he said, "fuck this!" and mounted an attack worthy of Karl Rove. They hate him so, because he's so much like them!

So, Senator Kerry, this is it. It's now or never. This is your one, true shot at The Accidental President. You have to come out swinging. You have the facts on your side. But what we, the people who so want to believe in you, need is for you to tear this man down in front of the world.

Having said all that, I'm afraid I see this election slipping away and predict four more years of the terrible regime of George W. Bush. There is still hope, of course, but hope is waning.

As long as you look across the great divide -- and watch it widen -- and see the Republican party digging in its heals and lobbing lies, invective and smear, you have to fight them on their level. Actually, that's not true. The Democratic party has to be dirtier, if that's even possible.

It's clear that we can't wait for Barack Obama's day. The Dems have to set the table. That means getting in the trenches and pulling out the big guns. Michael Moore's a start. Bruce Springsteen was an unexpected coup; but that's just window dressing.

The Democratic party leadership has failed its constituents for the past 10 years. Come November 3rd, no matter the results, it is time for Terry McCaulliffe to do the honorable thing and fall on his sword. Quoting Michael Corleone in The Godfather, "I need a wartime consigliere."

And that's precisely what the Democratic party needs; a wartime consigliere.
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