Wednesday, November 03, 2004

just another day.

It's going to be a miserable, miserable four years. This president has received many more votes than Kerry. The gloating is about to commence. Why? Because this administration has ushered in a frat-boy tone about politics; that "in-your-face" bullshit that I find so unsettling.

This election is less a mandate about Bush and more a statement of the shoddy state of the Democratic party.

I hope Bush actually fulfills the four-year old promise he broke when he said he was a unifier. But I expect nothing out of him. Nothing.

I take that back.

I expect the Supreme Court to change drastically.
I expect the war in Iraq to get worse.
I expect Republicans to treat this as a reason to thump their chests instead of saying, "let's fix this together."
I expect Democrats to continue spinning themselves into the ground.
I expect Bush to continue enacting tax cuts while sending spending through the roof.
I expect Bush supporters to continue to be blinded by the right and refuse to accept that the country is worse instead of better.
I expect our civil liberties to continue to be compromised.
I expect this president to continue listening to his Bible, which is flat out wrong when leading a country.

This is not a sad day for America; it's just another day in the Bush Regime.

I am proud to say I am in the minority.
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