Sunday, June 26, 2005

my head's going to explode.

You know, there's been so much going on in the news that I almost can't keep up. Terri Schiavo died a few months ago, yet she didn't really die at all, given the recent news. Half of D.C. seems to be playing some peculiar form of "say something stupid" Chicken -- Howard Dean says something wait! Hostetler said something wait! Dick Durbin says something wait! Karl Rove says something dumb! As near as I can tell, there's a pool board hanging in some junior senator's office and everybody's got money on who's going to trump them all with the dumbest thing of all. My money's on President Smirky saying something with that half-wit grin of his, telling us we're winning the war in Iraq. I digress.

I'll see if I can sum up each topic quickly:

Howard Dean calling Republicans names -- GROW UP!

Dick Durbin's Gitmo NAZI comparison --SHUT UP! MORON!

Hostetler's "demon Democrats" claims -- Oi vey....

Karl Rove's 9/11 nonsense -- Fuck off (yeah, I said it).

The Supreme Court's ruling on Eminent Domain -- Assholes!

Jeb Bush's desire to re-open the Terri Schiavo 911 call -- She's dead! Let it go!

The Amendment to ban flag-buring -- First there's legislation to protect one brain-dead woman, now an amendment to protect a symbol? Yeah, that's what I expect of my federal gubment.

Ralph Reed's run for Light Governer -- So which casino are you shilling for this week?

Ed Klein's Hillary book -- It's interesting how quickly conservatives are rushing to get people to read this, yet not Kitty Kelley's book about Dubya. Hmm.....

Ken Tomlinson -- Your vendetta is nauseating.

That's all for now. I'm going to bed.
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