Saturday, September 03, 2005

welcome to america. where stupid never sleeps.

Against my better judgment, I've had an opportunity to peruse some blogs concerning Hurricane Katrina. The part that amazes me the most is the ability of dimwits who drank Dubya's Kool-Aid to take shots at people who are...oh, I don't know, STRANDED IN THE FUCKING AFTERMATH OF A FUCKING HURRICANE!!!!!!

Here's a snippet of wisdom:

• I’m sure that I’m not the only one who noticed how many husband-less women and girls there were who had babies and children along with them.
• And I’m betting that I’m not the only one who cringed as more than one man near my dad’s age wailed plaintively about why no one was doing anything for him them.

Back when I was growing up, real men took charge and made decisions. They protected women and children--especially their own children--and got them out of harm’s way; out of the way of things like hurricanes, especially when they had days of advance warning. And if they made the wrong decision, they tried to make things right and/or took the consequences.

Take charge? Are you fucking kidding me?!?!?! The stifling level of denial with which some people live is positively breathtaking. It amazes, angers and saddens me when folks like this all-star blame the victim for not "taking charge." It's worth noting many people did try to take charge. They were called looters.

Hurricane Katrina wiped out a major city. This was not a swollen river that took out a few farms. Right now, thousands of people are dead because, in many cases, they had no choice but to ride out the storm.

I'm not sure if people like the aforementioned blogger are stupid, naive, or simply have no heart.

Given all that people are STILL going through, and the best you can do is wag a finger at them?

What a fucking moron.
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