Tuesday, August 03, 2004

cheney blames democrats for gas prices.

From the AP:

Cheney Blames Democrats for Gas Prices

HOT SPRINGS, Ark. (AP) - Vice President Dick Cheney said Tuesday that rising consumption and decreasing domestic production have led to high gasoline prices but also blamed his Democratic opponents and their opposition to the Bush administration's energy policies.

The Bush-Cheney campaign accuses Senate Democrats of blocking a Bush energy plan that would increase petroleum drilling and energy conservation and provide new tax breaks and other incentives to spur exploration and production.

"John Kerry and John Edwards voted no," Cheney said. "It's another area where I think there is a significant difference."

Cheney advocated increasing domestic oil production in wildlife areas in Alaska and other regions that are off-limits to development.

"We have put ourselves into a box. The only thing I can think of to do is to keep pushing for a comprehensive energy policy," he said. "We are at the mercy of those international oil prices.
No, Mr. Vice President, it is not the fault of the Democrats that gas prices are so high. Your boss, the Fundraiser in Chief, wants to go drilling holes in Alaska to get oil and that's hardly the answer.

Half the reason I voted for Al Gore in 2000 was because at least he called for rapidly exploring alternative energy solutions in this country. Dubya and this administration lack the vision and forethought to arrive at that conclusion.

Perhaps if SOMEBODY in government would be visionary enough to push for advanced public transportation in high-population cities as well as encouraging regional rail travel we might be able to conserve energy.

Drilling a hole in Alaska is, like your beloved school voucher program, a short-term band-aid for a bullet hole.
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