Tuesday, October 05, 2004

welcome to your fbi file.

During my lunch break I decided to go out and purchase Fahrenheit 9/11 on DVD. By 2:18 p.m. I'm sure to see four white guys in sunglasses following me around in a blue sedan.

I'm teasing. I'm no far from subversive that it's almost embarrassing.

Vast left wing conspiracy? Michael Moore's Fahrenheit 9/11 was released on DVD today.

I'm very curious to see this movie. Just as I did with Bowling for Columbine, I shall approach Fahrenheit 9/11 with an equal level of caution, open mind, realization that it's an op-ed movie before it is a factual account. This is not to poison the well; not at all. I'm just very cognizant of Moore's style.

Nevertheless, it should be interesting and provocative. I'll be sure to review, if you care.

Thus far, my favorite staple of recent letters to the editor (in my local paper as well as on television) are from people angered over the mere mention of this movie's DVD release date. People are crying 'foul', as though it's getting unfair treatment. Whatever. I bought my copy of it at Best Buy and I had an easier time finding Bulworth. You think I'm kidding.

Either way, I'm looking forward to seeing this movie.


Federal Bureau of Investigation
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