Tuesday, June 28, 2005

the obvious and embarrassing talking points of bush's spin machine.

Call me a cynic, but I'm betting tonight's presidential address is going to be as rife with as much bullshit as Baghdad Bob's "we're crushing the enemy" statements at the beginning of the war in Iraq.

As stateside support wanes for the efforts in Iraq, as military recruitment sags, as roadside bombs and SUICIDE bombers continue to kill Americans and civilians, President Smirky must now face the reality that we're not getting showered with flowers and candy over there.

Given the oh-so orchestrated moves and talking points being forced down our throats over the past few days, here is a checklist of phrases and allusions to listen for tonight:

* "Freedom is on the march."
* "...better to fight them there, rather than here..."
* Some sort of reference to 9/11.
* "They hate us for our freedom."

I swear, it's like the've taken a page out of Saddam's propaganda book as Iraq was getting toppled...repeat a lie often enough and people will eventually believe it.

Can any of you imagine what AM radio would be doing with all this if Democrats were out there, shamelessly using 9/11 as much as Karl Rove's stormtroopers have been lately?

I just saw Condoleeza Rice on the Today Show and she, almost right on cue, hit the first three points I just noted....all in one freakin' sentence.

I give credit to this administration for mobilizing such an organized spin machine. Too bad it all is being done to re-direct attention from the reality -- Iraq is a huge mess. Or is it? After all, how long as it been since "major combat operations" ceased?

Yeah, I already know what the Kennebunkport Cowboy's going to say tonight.
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