Tuesday, October 12, 2004

last chance.

You know, I find it equal parts ironic, smug and utterly shallow that The Kennebunkport Cowboy has been parroting lines like "he can run but he cannot hide" about John Kerry's record as a senator.

In tomorrow night's debate, the senator from Massachusetts ought to run that line right up President Smirky's I-got-less-votes-than-Al Gore ass.

Does he really want to bring that knife to the gun fight? Oh yeah, he does. Why? Becuase his base of sycophantic lapdogs eats it up. Why? Because they have taken Karl Rove's dim-bulb approach to leading the nation. By slimming his vocabulary to a few monosyllabic words, by saying things like "they hate us for our freedom," the neocons have successfully pulled off the great swindle of the American body politic. Thanks to a well-crafted, well-funded, well-orchestrated campaign, Dubya can run amok and never be held accountable for anything.

Oh sure, they claim they can get Kerry on his voting record. (He's a flip-flopper)

They claim they can get him on his view that Iraq was the wrong war, wrong place, wrong time. "How can he lead troops?"

They claim he's a tax-and-spender. "He's a *gasp* liberal!"

And the neocon sycophants shovel it in. And shovel it in. And shovel it in.

Why? Because it's easier to choke down bullshit than face the facts of an atrocious four years of George W. Bush.

Jobs are outsourced and they just shrug it off.

The body count grows in Iraq as the insurgency clearly gains a foothold and they just shrug it off.

The deficits and spending are careening out of control as this Republican House, Senate, and Oval Office write the checks and they just shrug it off.

Federal mandates are put in public schools without much funidng, and they just shrug it off.

The world community continues to distrust the U.S. due to the maverick, asshole cowboy brand of foreign policy wielded by this president, and they just shrug it off.


Tomorrow night is Kerry's last chance. It's his last chance to take Bush down and make him choke on his own game. Bush is right about one thing; we do know where he stands. He's not a moving target, so it's high time Kerry shines a light on the quicksand that is Bush's record. He's had two chances and put up decent performances, but that's not good enough.

It's time for the blinded-by-the-right neocon sycophants to wake up to reality.

It's time for Senator Kerry to deliver the knock-out punch and put this president in his place -- Crawfordsville, Texas.

If he doesn't, we may have to start getting used to a world where George W. Bush gets his ultimate wish of etching his name in Revelations and takes us to the "end times" he so fervently believes in.

John Kerry, Wednesday night is your last chance.
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