Thursday, October 14, 2004

the debate bounce.

Last evening brought a merciful and hum-drum close to what initially set out to be a feisty and spirited series of debates. While most major news outlets are calling the debates in Kerry's favor, it doesn't seem to matter a great deal. Well, at least not to backers of either candidate.

Because John Kerry was unable to land the knock-out punch on the president, I believe it's more of an advantage to Dubya. It seems ridiculous to me, really, that Kerry didn't take him out when he had the opportunity. But what happened was Bush came out looking like a champion simply for not repeating his sulky and ignorant performance in the first debate. The Massachusetts senator never waivered and remained steadfast in his message, his rhetoric, his mannerisms; even his subjective facts. Bush was erratic and outgunned in the first debate, cranky and pugnacious in the second debate, and demure whilst lobbing tired invective in the final debate.

So why did Kerry win, in the eyes of the media? I don't know. But at least the Bush campaign has finally begun to believe in the numbers; quite an accomplishment for a group of people who believe America is stronger, safer, and more secure than four years ago in the face of unemployment, rising costs and a botched war. I suppose they were bound to come around eventually.

What I'm having trouble wrapping my mind around is how a halfwitted, inarticulate, bullheaded, jump-the-gun, paper cowboy, egomaniacal, uber-conservative nut has been able to garner so much support in the first place. But that's another story for another time.

I know the Republicans have been popping boners all day because Kerry referenced Mary Cheney, the VP's gay daughter. Was it a cheap shot? It certainly was a direct and bold statement. Inappropriate? Well, he wasn't criticizing her lifestyle. He wasn't doing anything that John Edwards didn't do; but I still understand the defensive tack taken by the Cheneys. That's what parents are supposed to do. Kerry probably should've holstered that line.

I mostly wish they'd all stop using poor Mary Cheney as a poster child for this litmus test. I honestly can't believe the gay issue is still an issue! Thanks to your righties, it's become one. I digress.

The next 19 days (and beyond, I bet) are going to be rife with typical, cliche rhetoric from the candidates. Polls will continue to show a neck-and-neck race. will change right up to the day of the election. In other words, it's all bullshit.

Pollsters and pundits are trying like hell to predict the outcome without including the real x-factor: newly registered voters.

Nobody can get a bead on what is a "likely voter" in this election, which is why both parties are already digging trenches for a protracted post-Nov. 2 war over votes. If you thought hanging chads in Florida were bad, just wait until Nov. 3.

I'm honestly glad the debates fizzled and ended. But did it have to end on such a pandering, sniveling, pussy-whipped note? What the HELL was up with Bob Schieffer's question about the women? Jesus, Bob, we get it! You're afraid of your wife, but do you have to subject the world to this? I mean absolutely no disrespect to women; but I'm not voting for a first lady.

Tim Russert of NBC News summed it up best last evening; this election is going to come down to a handful of states:

* Ohio
* Pennsylvania
* New Mexico
* Florida
* Wisconsin

Whomever wins those states probably will get the keys to the Oval Office.

Here's to hoping John Kerry's debate bounce continues.
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