Thursday, October 28, 2004

screw you, swing states!

All three of you who read my blogs know that I live in Indiana. While there is a hotly contested gubernatorial race, the Hoosier State of Mind is hardly a swing state in the presidential election. The polls open at 6 a.m. and might as well be declared for Bush at 6:05 a.m. Not since Kennedy has Indiana been painted blue on Election Day. I used to be disappointed, knowing that my vote doesn't really matter in the upcoming election. Until I visited the swing states.

I spent a weekend in Michigan back in September and was in Las Vegas last weekend. I feel for those poor people.

You can't go 10 minutes on television before the barrage of political ads ensues. Kerry ad. Bush ad. Anti-Kerry ad. Anti-Bush ad. Local Democrat ad. Local GOP ad. Local anti-GOP ad. Local anti-Democrat at.

...and REPEAT!

It is a nonstop assault on the senses, leaving me feeling nothing but sorry for the residents of swing states.

When I was in Nevada, I was treated to some of the worst ads I've ever seen. Not 'worst' in the sense that they were vicious; 'worst' in the sense that they were utterly laughable. I honestly thought it was an SNL satire skit when I first saw it.

This particular ad, complete with heavy-voiced narration, chastised the incumbent for being in favor of creating a nuclear waste zone in Nevada, "allowing nuclear waste to be driven on our highways (cue: semis on highway), past our schools (cue: images of children), and in our BACK YARDS!!!"

I fell out of my chair I was laughing so hard.

It's painfully clear that the swing states are treated to a dumbing-down of political ads.

Then I got to thinking...SCREW THE SWING STATES!

It's their own fault for not making up their minds sooner! They've had months -- MONTHS -- to make up their minds. So what do they do? Sit on the fence, right up to Election Day. How on earth anybody can't make up their mind at this point is beyond me. If you're still an undecided voter, you're either an attention-whore, or too stupid to be allowed to vote.

So I've changed my opinion; I no longer feel sympathy for swing staters. You made your bed, now lie in it.

I guess that makes me a flip-flopper, eh?
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