Wednesday, March 30, 2005

dissention from within.

Former Republican Senator John C. Danforth earlier this week published a critical op-ed piece in the New York Times, the fish-wrap conservatives love to hate, criticizing the Republican party for becoming nothing more than the Christian Right's pit bull.

I confess I was happy to finally see a Republican stand up and give a voice to what so many Republicans have been quietly grumbling about for quite some time -- that the party is drifting further and further away from its bread and butter to chase the cheap, quick high of love and adoration from uber-righties.

"As a senator, I worried every day about the size of the federal deficit," Danforth wrote. "I did not spend a single minute worrying about the effect of gays on the institution of marriage. Today it seems to be the other way around."

I wonder if the backlash will ever reach a boiling point, forcing some internal fighting to return to its base of federalism. We probably won't see it anytime soon unless the Democrats get their act together and take back the house or the senate in the mid-terms. To a certain extent, I wonder if Danforth is the canary in the GOP mineshaft. You have to wonder how long the silent traditionalists from within will continue to take a backseat to the Christian right.

My guess: as long as the checks keep rolling in. I respect Sen. Danforth's view and not because I am fed up with the vast right wing conspiracy. It's about time somebody inside the GOP raised real concern over what's happening over there.

Just as the Democratic party needs its fair share of rabble rousers to keep the party honest, so goes with the Republicans. For once, it's refreshing to see a little bit of rebelliousness from one of them. Jesus, when's the last time we saw a rebellious Republican? Oh yeah, John McCain. And we know what the Bush Spin Machine did to him.

They did such a number on him that he was a well-trained dog on a very short leash in the last campaign.

It'll be interesting to see how long Danforth runs off-leash before he gets snared.
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