Tuesday, March 22, 2005

why i am enraged.

Because I am apparently too stupid and consumed by anger to compose a coherent thought on the whole Terri Schiavo situation. I will let others do the talking today. The following links are from Salon.com, my most favorite liberal rag on the Web.

The Panderers by Alan Wolfe

Salon.com readers respond to the Terri Schiavo situation

Rest easy, my conservative friends, you won't get any of the liberal on ya if you read it. ;-)

The brass tacks of my views on this situation are this: I feel very, very profound sadness for Michael Schiavo and her family. But this is an issue they've been tangling over for many, many years and the courts have ruled in favor of the husband.

I am enraged -- ENRAGED -- by a Republican congress for pissing all over its own doctrine of federalism and using the case of a brain damaged woman for purely political gain.

It is shameful, sickening and exploitive.
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