Tuesday, September 13, 2005

welcome to the party, mr. president. now get back to work.

From the AP:

Bush Takes Responsibilities for Blunders

"Katrina exposed serious problems in our response capability at all levels of government. And to the extent that the federal government didn't fully do its job right, I take responsibility. I want to know what went right and what went wrong."
--George W. Bush, Sept. 13, 2005
Read more.

All right! All right! I screwed up! Sheesh!

It only took about 10 days, but the president finally did something he hasn't ever done while in office: admitted that mistakes were made and he, ultimately, is responsible.

It's about time, Mr. President.

Given the slow response to Katrina, all I wanted was for somebody on the federal level to stop making excuses and admit that things went very badly. It's difficult to appreciate Bush's mea culpa because it seems positively Clintonian -- that is to say, wait for polling data to dictate which way you'll fall. Had he done this on the first Wednesday or Thursday after Katrina hit the Gulf Coast, it would've made more of a statement.

I don't feel any level of joy or vindication in Bush's statement today. But I will say it's the closest he's come in four years to saying something that felt genuine; that didn't seem to come directly off a note from Karl Rove.

So fine. He's finally admitted fault. But that doesn't erase the mistakes that have implications for all Americans. I'm tired of hearing people defend him and the poor, poor job the feds did. If Al Qaeda blew up the levees instead of a predicted hurricane disaster, people would've stormed Washington (only to find the joint empty since the gubment was on vacation).

We accept your statement, Mr. President. But you don't get points for finally showing up to the party.

Now get back to work.
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