Monday, August 30, 2004

the road to november 2nd.

The Republican National Convention begins today. Like the Democratic version, this convention will be nothing more than a group hug. I only caught a smattering of speeches from the DNC and probably won't really dial into the GOP convention until Dubya speaks.

While I pride myself on being an informed citizen, I find the conventions to be a bit too circle-jerky for my tastes. Oh sure, I'll read a lot of the news coverage on the Web and catch sound bites of speeches; but conventions serve one purpose: rally the base. I suppose the sub-text is to inform the public of their platforms and they do provide that, but they're still meant to get the troops frothed up for the upcoming November elections.

If I mute the sound on the Republican convention, I'm sure it will look hauntingly similar to the Democratic convention. Of course, there will be massive protests (or attempts at such) going on in and around Manhattan. I wonder how much of that will be discussed on the news.

The one thing I'm really looking forward to: Michael Moore's dispatches from the convention. No, I'm not a big fan of Moore; but I'll be curious to see how he's received and how skewed his views will be.

This convention serves only one purpose, if you ask me: it's the last rev of the parties before they both really hit the road to November 2.

My only hope is this convention comes off free of incident.
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