Monday, August 23, 2004

too little, too late, president smirky.

From the AP this afternoon:

Bush Criticizes Anti-Kerry Television Ad


WASHINGTON (AP) - President Bush on Monday criticized a commercial that accused John Kerry of inflating his own Vietnam War record, more than a week after the ad stopped running, and said broadcast attacks by outside groups have no place in the race for the White House.

"I think they're bad for the system," added Bush, who had ignored calls to condemn the ad while it was on the air.

President Smirky gives a speech....and you can't even see Evil Dick Cheney's lips move anymore. These guys are getting good!

"Too little, too late," added Democratic party chairman Terry McAuliffe.
I couldn't agree more....with McAuliffe.

When ran a harsh piece about Bush's fuzzy military past, Kerry was the first to jump forward and denounce it as a smear.

How long did the Fundraiser-in-Chief wait? A week? Ten days? I forget. He waited long enough for the impact of the Swift Boat Vets smear tactic to grow legs and run down Kerry.

Sorry, Mr. President, but your sudden calls for condemnation are akin to closing the barn door after the cow got loose. Your silence on this matter was your tacit approval of this dirty trick.

I can't tell you how utterly ironic I find it that Republicans -- who so profess to love the military -- are so quick to rally around a president whose military records are murky, at best; yet they are at the ready with Louisville Sluggers in hand to beat on John Kerry, who actually SERVED IN VIET FUCKING NAM!

This is why I am so much against this latest incarnation of the Republican party. It's their smug hypocrisy that sickens me.

If this is the game, it's time for Kerry to take off the kid gloves and go after this president. No, not for his military past. How about the litany of fuck-ups?
* Foreign policy
* War in Iraq
* Tax cuts for the rich
* Stem cell research

For once, I'd love to see the Democratic party not get sucked into the neocon reindeer games and come out swinging on their own.

Although I'd be willing to bet all the Republicans are trying to do is make the Kerry camp spend all its money as soon as possible, considering Dubya has a war chest built up the size of Texas itself.
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