Friday, August 27, 2004

time to stay in crawford.

From the AP:

Bush Acknowledges Iraq 'Miscalculation'

WASHINGTON (AP) - President Bush said for the first time on Thursday he made a "miscalculation of what the conditions would be" after U.S. troops went to Iraq, The New York Times reported. The insurgency, he maintained, was the unintended result of a "swift victory" that led to Iraqi troops disappearing into the cities and mounting a rebellion.

Bush also told the newspaper he did not believe his Democratic opponent had lied about his time in Vietnam. The group Swift Boat Veterans for Truth has aired advertisements challenging John Kerry's account of his service, and claiming Kerry lied about circumstances surrounding his war medals. Kerry has accused Bush of using the group as a front to run a smear campaign.

"I think Senator Kerry should be proud of his record," Bush said. "No, I don't think he lied."

Public opinion initially favored Bush's decision to go to war but, after months of casualties and chaos, the public is evenly divided on the subject now.

In a separate interview with USA Today, Bush said Thursday that he believes he made the right decision to invade Iraq and thinks voters will not deny him a second term even if they disagree with the war.
THAT word -- miscalculation -- is precisely the reason why I want him out of office. Every president makes mistakes, sure. But when bodies are stacking up and the best you can say is it was a 'miscalculation'? Hell, I could've told him it was going to be a bad situation once Baghdad was toppled! And I don't have access to the scores of resources he does.

This is not a case of looking back with 20/20 hindsight and critiquing the event due to negative outcomes. I just hope people begin to recognize how this president and this administration suffer from a complete and utter lack of vision. Their myopia is causing people to die and put the U.S. in further peril.

It's time for you to stay in Crawford, Mr. President.
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