statute of limitations.
When in doubt, blame Bubba.
Take note: Democrats. If, by some freakish twist of fate, you should put a Democrat in the White House in 2k8 -- and that's a very big if -- you only get two years to blame Bush. Two years.
After that, the mess is all yours.
The Bush camp made a convenient, if not specious, argument that many of the problems in Dubya's first term were because of Clinton's undoings. To the extent that the intelligence community was blundering and that he didn't kill bin Laden when he had the chance, I let it slide. But it's been five years and we've seen this administration be masterful at laying blame at the feet of others.
Bush has been in office for five years now. The statute of limitations on blaming Clinton as run out. Democrats better take note. I don't care who was there last. The hot potatoe is yours once you're sworn in.
The buck does, in fact, stop here!
Take note: Democrats. If, by some freakish twist of fate, you should put a Democrat in the White House in 2k8 -- and that's a very big if -- you only get two years to blame Bush. Two years.
After that, the mess is all yours.
The Bush camp made a convenient, if not specious, argument that many of the problems in Dubya's first term were because of Clinton's undoings. To the extent that the intelligence community was blundering and that he didn't kill bin Laden when he had the chance, I let it slide. But it's been five years and we've seen this administration be masterful at laying blame at the feet of others.
Bush has been in office for five years now. The statute of limitations on blaming Clinton as run out. Democrats better take note. I don't care who was there last. The hot potatoe is yours once you're sworn in.
The buck does, in fact, stop here!