Friday, April 21, 2006

yet another "good" point from a kool-aid drinker™.

Here’s a letter that appeared in the Friday edition of the Indianapolis Star:

Star goes out its way to show Bush in bad light
I am sick and tired of the left-leaning slant The Star puts into every editorial piece, and in reading other letters to the editor here, I see that I am not the only one. From the misleading headlines and snide comments, to the unflattering pictures you dig up, you rarely miss an opportunity to show our president or members of his staff in a bad light.

The last time I looked, this was a red state when it comes to elections, and it's high time we had a newspaper that reflected it. I swear, if George W. Bush negotiated world peace tomorrow, the story you would print would start off something like this, "The president, whose job approval rating is at a record low, has somehow managed to . . . "
Joe Fall

One thing I’ll say about them Bush-backers: what a bunch of whiny CRYBABIES!

Awwwwwwww, whatsamatta, Joe? Did your wittow pwesident get made fun of? C’mon, show us how you cry, Joe? Squirt ‘em.

There are a few problems with Joe Fall’s assertions here. Just because a state goes red or blue in an election does not translate to blind support for any political leader, no matter party affiliation. This is my most critical issue with party zealots and Kool-Aid Drinkers™ –- they always believe their guy is above reproach.

In a word: bullshit.

It makes me laugh almost as much as it makes me pull my hair out to read these crybaby assertions about Bush. Hey Joe, where were when the entire block of Republicans and talk radio were beating on Clinton for getting a blowjob in the Oval Office? Oh wait. Since Indiana’s a red state, that’s allowed.

Talk about stupid logic.

Besides, it’s not the Star’s fault that Bush’s approval ratings are so low. They’re so low because the president is doing a lousy job. Of course, the red state hyenas pin it on the “liberal” media (whatever that means). Of course, they also pinned Katrina, Iraq, Abu Ghraib and Plame-gate on those scoundrels in the fourth estate.

It’s high time these sycophants wake up to the reality that this administration has only itself to blame for all its mistakes. It’s always ironic when tough-talking conservatives claim to be all about accountability until…well, they themselves have to be held accountable.

Sorry, Joe, you no longer are allowed to blame the media. How about looking at where the buck stops and start asking questions there.

I’m pretty fed up with the far right whining, chickenhawk, pin-the-blame-on-the-media, victim-card-playing jackasses. You’ve had a Republican House and Senate for most of the last 12 years and a Republican president now in his second term. How about you start assigning blame where it belongs, you head-in-the-sand (or other places) morons.

And while we’re at it, the next person who accuses me of being unpatriotic or “giving aid and comfort” to the “enemy” when I protest this administration gets a full-on kick in the nuts. Oh wait. Clearly, far right Kool-Aid Drinkers™ have no balls, since they whine and piss and moan about being picked on so much.

They only like a fight when it’s with somebody who won’t fight back.
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