here come da judge.
Oh yeah? And from which "liberals" did I already hear that statement repeated and repeated and beaten into me? Bleeding hearts like that Joe Scarborough on MSNBC and that seditious, un-American Tucker Carlson.
Scarborough was on full-tilt with it too, with the phrase ROBERTS WOULD OVERTURN ROE V. WADE, or something like that emblazened across the screen.
And then he had to break away for more non-news from Aruba (no joke).
Yeah, the Chuck Schumers and Pat Leahys of the world had to give the "we're going to ask tough questions" speech and that's fine with me, despite the ire they raise from the right.
Call me crazy, but NO Supreme Court nomination should be a cake walk. Asking a potential justice difficult and probative questions should be the duty of ALL U.S. Senators. Personally, I hope it doesn't get ugly. I think most Americans are like me in that we just don't need another goddamn ordeal.
Besides, DNC, you can't keep running to the fillibuster every time the president does something you don't like. You made your point a few weeks ago and got a partisan ball rolling. That's good. The president pulled in leadership from both parties concerning this nomination. That's good. But you can't have your cake and eat it too when you're the minority party. Yeah, I wish the Democrats had won SOMETHING in the last election, but you can't keep relying on sour grapes.
Give Roberts his day in....uh, court.