Monday, August 29, 2005

live and let live.

Tonight's episode of The Daily Show did as masterful job as there could be in explaining the absurdity of Justice Sunday and other antics of the likes of Phyllis Schafly and Pat Robertson.

I love how Robertson prays to God to "release" the Supreme Court. dowhatnow?

I give credit to some of these looney tunes for being successful in selling the drama that Christians and Christianity are under the thumb of an atheistic and persecutorial society (is that a word? I'll check later).

Got news for folks like Phyllis and Pat and every other dipshit who preached against "liberalism" on Justice Sunday. You're all a bunch of big, fat, liars, hucksters and fear mongers.

And I've got one more thought for the next moron to say liberal ideology is bad for America: fuck off.

What's bad for America is the abuse of power from the pulpit to further divide people based on false pretenses. To suggest "activist" judges (a term that is about as stupid as it is inaccurate) or more dangerous to the U.S. than terrorists is beyond absurd. But fear mongers froth up their masses through a careful campaign of misinformation and allusions to an imaginary enemy.

It would be funny if it weren't so damned effective.

This just in: God doesn't care who is on the Supreme Court. God doesn't care who's president. God doesn't vote.

Why are idiot Christians in America so damned egocentric? Let it be known that the term "idiot Christians" is aimed squarely at the likes of Robertson and any of his ilk who drank the Kool-Aid. Most Christians roll their eyes at him. They really do. Then again, many Christians also voted for John Kerry, but some asshole "man of God" tried ex-communicating them. THAT is a shining example of an idiot Christian; people who use religion to sell an agenda rather preach about love, peace and kindness.

Once again, don't tell me for one second they don't like activist judges, those pinheads behind Justice Sunday. They love activist judges. They want their own on the Supreme Court.

Here's a thought before I go to bed: nobody in their right mind believes you should not be allowed to pray to God. People just don't believe it's the government's place to require observances.

Nobody believes the Ten Commandments are bad. People just don't believe it's the government's place to place gawdy monuments to them in courthouses. After all, only two of the 10 have anything to do with law. So why should all 10 be there? Because they're a good message? Okay, fine. Then can we put a few Taoist proverbs in the courts as well? After all, they're good messages.

And I've got one more point to make about the notion that the U.S. was founded on Christian values (actually, i've got two points).

1. The U.S. is relatively young compared to European nations. Nevertheless, let's say its founders were devout Christians and it was founded on Christian values.

That was how many years ago? Things change over time and, in relation to keeping a nation's citizens free and living in relative harmony, you have to roll with the changes.

Christians live here. Muslims live here. Atheists live here. Jews live here. And on and on and on. The only way a nation remains tolerant to one's religious views is to accept others. The only way to truly achieve that equality is to not declare any allegiance to any religion. Period.

I just wonder if any of the hardliners on Jesus's side these days realize how much they sound like Osama bin Laden when they run their mouths. I digress.

My second point:

2. As the government of the United States of America is not in any sense founded on the Christian Religion...

This is not a new statement. It was signed over 200 years ago in The Barbary Treaties: Treaty of Peace and Friendship, Signed at Tripoli November 4, 1796.

So there you have it. Two good reasons that any believers in anything need to step back, shut up and just learn to live and let live.

hitting it right on the screws.


Russell Crowe has launched a scathing attack on A-list charity campaigners including Bono and Sir Bob Geldof - because he believes they only want publicity. The Antipodean actor regularly donates to charity outside of the glare of the media spotlight and urges other stars to give quietly without publicly martyring themselves.

He says, "I do my bit to improve the world but I think it's very important to get things done on the quiet. I'm sick to death of famous people standing up and using their celebrity to promote a cause. If I see a particular need, I do try to help. But there's a lot that can be achieved by putting a cheque in the right place and shutting up about it."

I sympathize with the views of many celebs in terms of political and social issues, but at the end of the day, I'm going to have to gree with Russell Crowe on this one.

I better, because I don't want him to chuck a telephone at me.

Tuesday, August 23, 2005

one angry liberal.

It's been awhile since we've handed out this prestigious award, but I do believe it is well earned this time around.

The latest recipients of the Go Fuck Yourself Award are any assholes who call anti-war protestors "treasonous" or any shitheel who has uttered the phrase "giving aid and comfort to the enemy" in reference to any anti-war protestors.

Newsflash! This is still America! I'm thankful for the fact that the Founding Fathers had enough sense to remove from power the yokels who believe the First Amendment is a subjective after-thought to government actions.

Newsflash! That war in Iraq? It ain't goin' so hot. I know the Crawford Cowboy loves to utter the most offensive phrase ever in defense of his folly in Iraq ("We're fighting them there so we don't have to fight them here."). But let's not forget that he LIED about ther REASONS for going to war (WMD, 9/11, imminent threat, etc.). Never once did he say his reason was a "flypaper" strategy.

Sounds like another (my favorite Bushism from the debates) exaaaaaagerrrrrrrrrrrrationnnnnnnn! What a smug bonehead.

And let's just get the actual definition of treason out there, just for kicks:

Treason. A breach of allegiance to one's government, usually committed through levying war against such government or by giving aid or comfort to the enemy. The offense of attempting by overt acts to overthrow the government of the state to which the offender owes allegiance; or of betraying the state into the hands of a foreign power. Treason consists of two elements: adherence to the enemy, and rendering him aid and comfort. Cramer v. U. S., U.S.N.Y., 325 U.S. l, 65 S.Ct. 918, 9327 89 L.Ed. 1441. See 18 U.S.C.A. ยง 2381. A person can be convicted of treason only on the testimony of two witnesses, or confession in open court. Art. III, Sec. 3, U.S. Constitution.

Protesting is not treason, you morons. Now let's move on...

If you wish to stand in support of the war, that's your prerogative and I'm hard-pressed to stop you. If you wish to stand in protest to the protestors, I really have no problem with that. But if you choose to load up on rhetoric of stupidity (treason, sedition, yada yada yada), then please go fuck thineself.

As an aside -- and this is important to mention -- I am not of the mind that Bush is beholden to meet with Cindy Sheehan. While I sympathize with any parent who has lost a son or daughter in combat (no matter their political views), I do not believe the president of the U.S. must be forced to meet her a second time (he already met with her once).

The president, however, must be held accountable for the absolute mess that's been made of Iraq. Hell, I knew this war was going to be messy. Yes, there are LOTS of Iraqis who welcomed Saddam's ouster, but who really expected it to be over in weeks? This administration has either been disingenuous or misleading about the war for quite some time and the American people are now catching up to it. Too bad the idiot Democrats couldn't and didn't articulate this message better a year ago.

As tempting as it is for the right, you can't blame the "liberal media elite" for the low military numbers. To me, that's a tell-tale sign that middle America is no longer buying into it. Rumsfeld, Bush, et al are truly treading on Baghdad Bob territory with some of the empty, meaningless rhetoric they're lobbing out there.

For better or worse, American citizens no longer have the stomach for a protracted, bloody war. It's unfair to compare this war to Vietnam or World War II because the enemy combatants are unlike any other. Given that reality, it seems our government entered into the war woefully unprepared for an insurgency of this nature.

We had all the guns, ammo, heavy artillery and body armorwhoops! we needed to roll over Iraq.

They had us right where they wanted us.

I'm nervous that it's going to get worse before it gets better. There are far too many who support the war effort as though it's a football game.

I do believe the president is correct in saying pulling out of Iraq now would do more harm than good. But his correct assessment does not excuse the fact that he got us into an unneccesary war.

And my believing that and saying so as loudly as possible is not treasonous or seditious. It's patriotic, whether you like it or not.

Call me a traitor? Go fuck yourself. And be prepared to pick your teeth up off the ground.

Monday, August 22, 2005

stupid media. stupid, lazy media.....redux.

I know this is a tired, old rant. But that's because it's a tired, old problem. I flipped over to MSNBC to watch one of their evening shows to catch a glimpse at today's big stories: Iraq, gas prices, blah blah blah. Sow what do I get?

Rita fucking Cosby -- the most annoying voice on television -- and her lead-off segment about (drum roll please) you guessed it...Olivia Newton John's missing boyfriend.

What. The. Fuck?!?!?!?!

Are you kidding me? Is this a joke?

For starters, whenever I hear that raspy-voiced cow on MSNBC I want to go out on a killing spree. Seriously, I HATE her voice.

And top off that monumental annoyance with what can only be deemed as a story with absolutely NO value to a national audence that's propped up to CRISIS OF THE FUCKING CENTURY status.

I swear, ever since Orenthal, we've been treated to an endless stream of these fluff stories that have no bearing on the rest of us, but they serve as a nice diversion from what's really happening.

Kobe Bryant
Scott Peterson
Runaway Bride
Natalie Holloway
And now Olive Newton-John's boyfriende

The list keeps growing. Cable news networks only look to chase Entertainment Tonight's market share.

All the while one of the most outrageous claims ever by a pundit was made on Sunday's Meet the Press. You missed hearing it? So did everybody else because the jackass, lazy media are too busy dumbing down the country.

So what was said on MTP? Former adviser for the Coalition Provisional Authority in Iraq Reuel Marc Gerecht, responding to a question about the dwindling role of women's rights in the Iraqi constitution, said:

Actually, I'm not terribly worried about this. I mean, one hopes that the Iraqis protect women's social rights as much as possible. It certainly seems clear that in protecting the political rights, there's no discussion of women not having the right to vote. I think it's important to remember that in the year 1900, for example, in the United States, it was a democracy then. In 1900, women did not have the right to vote. If Iraqis could develop a democracy that resembled America in the 1900s, I think we'd all be thrilled. I mean, women's social rights are not critical to the evolution of democracy. We hope they're there. I think they will be there. But I think we need to put this into perspective.

1900 United States????????? That would be fine IF THIS WERE THE YEAR 19-FREAKING-HUNDRED!!!!!!!!!


Where's the Tylenol?!

Sunday, August 14, 2005

they don't call it a 'bully pulpit' for nothin', do they?

From the AP:

Thousands Fill Church for 'Justice Sunday'

Oh, how I love living in a society where everybody's outraged -- OUTRAGED -- over something.

And everybody can shut the fuck up about activist judges. People on the left are worried about judicial activism from the conservative seat. And the right wingers are up in arms over judicial activism from the left.

Face it, we LOVE judicial activism. You know we do. It's sort of like free speech and the first amendment. We only like it until somebody we don't like uses it.

Ah, good stuff.

Yeah, I'm pretty sure God wishes he gave this dump to the dolphins and monkeys.

that's why.

From the AP:

Bush Approval a Low for Recent 2-Termers

I'm not looking to re-play any election -- and I normally don't have much to say about approval ratings for a term-limited politician -- but this is only one of many reasons why I have so much anger toward this current admnistration:

John Kerry -- a man who SERVED in Nam -- gets bashed by those swift boat assholes and this pretender plays dress-up on the deck of an aircraft carrier and is treated like a war hero? Yeah, that makes perfect sense.

This goes far beyond disliking a guy for getting a blowjob in the Oval Office, n'est-ce pas?
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