Tuesday, July 19, 2005

here come da judge.

I have yet to do any significant reading on Bush's nominee to the Supreme Court, John Roberts. I watched the announcement as well as some of the yackety-yak on cable news for a bit this evening and had to laugh out loud over the knee-jerk reaction to Roberts' Roe v. Wade statements (which are going to be playing from now until the vote). My favorite was one hosts' assertion that (I'm paraphrasing here) "liberals...are going to be playing this clip over and over in the media."

Oh yeah? And from which "liberals" did I already hear that statement repeated and repeated and beaten into me? Bleeding hearts like that Joe Scarborough on MSNBC and that seditious, un-American Tucker Carlson.

Scarborough was on full-tilt with it too, with the phrase ROBERTS WOULD OVERTURN ROE V. WADE, or something like that emblazened across the screen.

And then he had to break away for more non-news from Aruba (no joke).

Yeah, the Chuck Schumers and Pat Leahys of the world had to give the "we're going to ask tough questions" speech and that's fine with me, despite the ire they raise from the right.

Call me crazy, but NO Supreme Court nomination should be a cake walk. Asking a potential justice difficult and probative questions should be the duty of ALL U.S. Senators. Personally, I hope it doesn't get ugly. I think most Americans are like me in that we just don't need another goddamn ordeal.

Besides, DNC, you can't keep running to the fillibuster every time the president does something you don't like. You made your point a few weeks ago and got a partisan ball rolling. That's good. The president pulled in leadership from both parties concerning this nomination. That's good. But you can't have your cake and eat it too when you're the minority party. Yeah, I wish the Democrats had won SOMETHING in the last election, but you can't keep relying on sour grapes.

Give Roberts his day in....uh, court.

Monday, July 18, 2005

american terrorist.

An American terrrorist was sentenced to life in prison today. Too bad they couldn't make his time spent painfully. Don't let anybody tell you otherwise. Eric Rudolph is no different than an Al Qaeda suicide bomber. He is yet another sad example of what happens when religious fervor runs on over-drive and manifests itself in the form of a psychopath who believes he is doing God's work.

American terrorist. Eric Rudolph was sentenced to life in prison.

Unlike a suicide bomber, however, Rudolph chose to run. He did not die for his own cause. He chose to kill innocent people at a world celebration. He chose to bomb medical clinics from a safe distance. He is as cowardly as cowardly gets.

I remember when medical professionals who perform abortions were getting shot by Christian terrorists -- and yes, that's precisely what they are -- and many pundits were weighing in on the story on cable news. One of the prevalent talking points that, in my view, damaged the credibility of Christian political lobbies was the fact that they didn't run away from these terrorist acts fast enough.

All too often I heard a talking head make a passive justification of murdering a doctor outside a clinic or at his or her home.

Fast forward to a post 9/11 world and Musliims are criticized for their faith for not distancing themselves fast enough from the terrorist acts of Islamic terrorists. If you can't see the parallel, you're not paying attention.

Far be it from me to believe God or the word of God is inherently dangerous. But religion, when taken to an extreme, can most certainly be murderous and criminal

We don't have to go to the Middle East to see proof of that.

Thursday, July 14, 2005

shut the fuck up!

Jim Cramer of CNBC...one more guy who I wish would just go the fuck away. I don't know a single thing about his views, ideologies or anything. But I can't stand loudmouth jackasses who seem to only be good at yelling over people.

Shut this guy the fuck UP!!!!!
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