the master debater.
"You're an asshole." "Go fuck yourself." The candidates exchange pleasantries in Coral Gables.
Yes, both Kerry and Bush were giving rehearsed, well-prepared answers to questions they anticipated. And yes, Bush was up against a stiffer challenge as the embattled incumbent. However, his answers aimed so incredibly low -- citing "working hard" and exuding a cowboy swagger and, of course, that infamous Bush 'decisiveness' -- that he came off as smug, lacking a strategy, and just hoping to "wing it" tonight. He looked like an unprepared school student giving a book report for a book he just skimmed a night ago.
Sadder yet, is his supporters will say he won because he was able to bust out his "flip-flopper" smack on John Kerry. His supporters will regale in his "leadership" skills as the president proudly tells you he doesn't change his mind. Republicans will believe his "we're fighting for freedom and winning" the war in Iraq mantra is gospel truth.
I'll never understand how people buy into such an empty-suited promise, but I'm not so worried about the neocons just now. We know where they stand. It's those frustrating undecideds that need to speak up.
Yes, I'm biased, but I've got to believe that Kerry's performance this evening will impress more than Bush. He spoke passionately, clearly, with the depth and breadth foreign affairs needs, and openly criticized the president's decisions. He backed up his points and backed them up again. And then he reloaded and outlined his own plan.
All Bush could do was put on a Will Ferrell-esque performance. I honestly expected him to say, "Don't mess with Texas!" I'm not trying to be funny here. I never once got a sense that the president knew more than John Kerry on the matters of foreign affairs. One of my biggest complaints with Bush is he seems to insult people's intelligence by shooting for smug sound bites rather than givng the public some real information.
Why do they want to kill us? "Because they hate our freedom."
Why did we go to war with Iraq? "Because we can't wait for another attack."
Huh? What? The danger of such empty and overly simplistic cliches is people buy into them. So much so that many people still believe there is a link between 9/11 and Iraq. I'm not saying this president lies, but he's certainly not averse to selling the drama to get people lathered into a war dance.
The stark contrast in styles between the candidates was showcased this evening. President Bush clearly does not like to be questioned about his decision. He's the perennial "because I said so" president. That may work when parenting toddlers; but America deserves better.
John Kerry unquestionably won the debate this evening. I just hope the undecideds realize that and vote accordingly.